Friday, November 6, 2015

Surah Fatiha (lesson 5)

بسم الله الراحمن الراحيم


Last part of Surah Fatiha is a dua which starts with the word "
ihdena" meaning "hidayat day humain". The "Na" means "We/Us" as previously discussed in نعبر  (Na'budu) and نستعين (Nasta'een).

The first part of the word اهر (ihde) belongs to the root ه ر ى (ha da ya) which is simple Urdu meaning hidayat هرايت. Notice the same root in هرايت. Strictly speaking Arabic root HaDaYa means نمایاں. Jo keh door say nazar aye and gives you direction from far away.

Example 1: هاربة Hadiya - meaning pani main ubhri howee chattaan jo door say nazar aye. Sailors used to find their way by the help of Hadiyas.
Example 2: هرية Hadya - meaning a return gift which is given in advance of the original gift.
Example 3: هادي Haadi - the front part of anything which can be seen from far away. Urdu main we call this حد the border...  the front part of a country.
Haadi hence is also used in the sense of راه نما Rah Numa or Raah ko numayan karnay wala. The same function which Hadiya is doing for Sailors / Travellers trying to reach their destination. So when we say اهرنا before the start of the Qur'an, we mean to get hidayat / Rah Numaee from it. The Qur'an calls itself
هرى للمتقين
Huda-lil-muttaqeen immediately after Surah Fatiha.

رب ذدنى علما
Rabbe Zidnee ilma

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